Child Sedation FAQ’s

4 April 2013

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If you’re been thinking about child sedation, you may have thought some frequently asked questions with regards to how sedation can help your child have a good experience at the dentist.

Is sedation right for my child?

The choice comes down to you, you know better how your child handles pain, fear and anxiety, and you can have that essential discussion with your sedation dentist to decide whether or not your child will need sedation for a dental procedure.

How is sedation performed?

Depending on the type of sedation, it may be done through an IV, inhalation or through a pill taken orally.

What are the benefits of child sedation?

Sedatives have many benefits when it comes to application in children: they can help your child feel relaxed, less anxious and more comfortable. They will also take a great deal of the pain away, and some sedatives can even trigger temporary amnesia, so your child won’t even remember the trip to the dentist which is great for those who might be a little scared.

What are its side effects?

Side effects from sedation vary depending on the type of medication and how it’s distributed. Sleepiness is the most common side effect from child sedation.

How can it be treated?

Treatments with intravenous fluids or medications may be required as some sedating medications lower blood pressure. Please ask your dentist for a drug information handout to learn the specifics on the medications your child will receive.

What are the preparation for the procedure? 

It’s recommended that you spend a little time with your children to prepare them for sedation. When children know what is expected of them, they tend to cope better. Talk to your children in a way that is simple enough to understand while still making clear what is going to happen, and make sure to follow a plan of specific eating and drinking is very important if your child is receiving sedation.

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