Find the answers to common questions about sedation dentistry below. If you don’t see your question answered or if you would like more information, contact one of our sedation clinics or Vancouver Dental Sedation Group directly at your earliest convenience.
Will sedation dentistry ensure my dental treatment is completely painfree?
Sedation dentistry is ideal for patients who are resistant to normal numbing agents. Typically, you experience absolutely no pain during a sedation dentistry appointment.
Are there any side effects?
Generally, there are very few side effects to sedation dentistry, most notably an increase in lethargy post-treatment for a few hours. We advise not to operate machinery of any kind or make important decisions at least 24 hours after your sedation dentistry appointment.
Do I need to bring a friend or family member to help me out?
Yes, please bring a responsible adult to your appointment who can help you afterwards should you require it.